Marina Abramović, a pioneer of performance art, presents her first major retrospective in Switzerland at the Kunsthaus Zürich. The exhibition includes works from every phase of her career, iconic performances and a new, interactive piece.

Works from all creative periods; audience as performers


Timeslot tickets: CHF 31.– / CHF 22.–* including access to the entire collection.
*concessions and groups

Free admission for members and Children under the age of 14.

Note for groups

We look forward to welcoming you to the Kunsthaus. For organizational reasons, prior registration is required., +41 44 253 84 84

The Kunsthaus Zürich presents Marina Abramović’s first comprehensive retrospective in Switzerland. It includes works from all her creative periods, along with live restagings of some historical performances. Of particular interest is a new piece designed specially for Zurich that directly involves the audience. Abramović is known for her ‘long-durational performances’, in which she explores physical and mental limits. These works invite visitors to experience mindfulness and self-perception in new ways.

Marina Abramović, The Hero, 2001, © Courtesy of the Marina Abramović Archives / 2024, ProLitteris, Zurich
Ulay_Abramovic_Rest Energy
Ulay / Marina Abramović, Rest Energy, 1980 Performance for video, 4’, ROSC’ 80 Dublin © Courtesy of the Marina Abramović Archives / 2024, ProLitteris, Zurich
Marina Abramović / Ulay, The Lovers, The Great Wall Walk, March – June 1988, Performance, 90 days, Chinese Wall, China, © Courtesy of the Marina Abramović Archives / 2024, ProLitteris, Zurich
Marina Abramović, Inner Sky, 1991/2015 Iron, Photo: Heini Schneebeli, 1994, © Courtesy of the Marina Abramović Archives / 2024, ProLitteris, Zurich
Marina Abramović, Rhythm 0, 1974, Performance, 6 hours, Studio Morra, Neapel Photos: Donatelli Sbarra, © Courtesy of the Marina Abramović Archives / 2024, ProLitteris, Zurich
Marina Abramović, Counting the Rice, 2015, Live performance with audience, MONA (Museum of Old and New Art), Tasmania, © Courtesy of the Marina Abramović Archives und MONA, Tasmanien / 2024, ProLitteris, Zurich

The exhibition covers a range of media, including video, photography, sculpture and drawing, along with live restagings of iconic performances such as ‘Imponderabilia’ and ‘Luminosity’. In ‘Imponderabilia’, visitors have to literally pass between the artists, a powerful physical and mental experience in its own right. Abramović’s focus on interaction and participation, which is also in evidence in ‘Decompression Chamber’, the work developed specially for Zurich, makes this retrospective unique.

Marina Abramović’s first retrospective in Switzerland is being developed in close collaboration with the artist. It is a cooperation with the Royal Academy in London, the Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam and the Kunstforum Vienna.

Supported by Swiss Re, Partner for contemporary art, and the Georg and Bertha Schwyzer-Winiker Foundation

Trigger warning

Please note that in the exhibition, during the performances and during the guided tours, there are depictions of nudity and works of art on the themes of death and physical pain that may be perceived as disturbing.

Ulay / Marina Abramović, Imponderabilia, 1977 Performance, 90’, Galleria Comunale d’Arte Moderna, Bologna Photos: Giovanna Dal Magro, © Courtesy of the Marina Abramović Archives / 2024, ProLitteris, Zurich

Performances in the exhibition

Imponderabilia, 1977

The performance will take place at 10.15 a.m., 12.15, 2.30 and 4.30 p.m., as well as 6.30 p.m. on Thursdays.
Duration: 60 minutes.

Luminosity, 1997

The performance will take place at 11.45 a.m. and 2 p.m. (additional performances at 3.30 and 5.30 p.m. on Thursdays).
Duration: 30 minutes.

Decompression Chamber, 2024

Visitors can take part in the exercise from 10.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. (10.30 a.m. to 7.30 p.m. on Thursdays).
Duration: unlimited

Counting the Rice, 2014

Visitors can take part in the exercise themselves from 11 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. (11 a.m. to 7.30 p.m. on Thursdays).
Duration: unlimited

The performances in the exhibition will feature performers cast and trained by the Marina Abramović Institute. Programme subject to change.

Marina Abramović, The Artist is Present, 2010 Performance, 3 months, The Museum of Modern Art, New York Photo: Marco Anelli, © Courtesy of the Marina Abramović Archives / 2024, ProLitteris, Zurich

Public guided tours

The first part of the tour offers an insight into the artist’s life and work. This is followed by a visit to the exhibition, with time for questions on the individual works at the end.


Private guided tours

Group size: max. 20
Languages: German, English, French, Italian, Dutch, Japanese, Chinese (other languages on request)

  • 1 hour tour: CHF 210.– (German) / CHF 240.– (other languages)
    + Admission tickets p.p. CHF 17.– (Exhibition ticket – group rate)

Requests should normally be submitted at least a week before your desired date., phone +41 44 253 84 06 (Mon–Fri 9 a.m.–midday)

Supported by:

Ill.: Marina Abramović, The Spirit in Any Condition Does Not Burn, 2011, © Courtesy of the Marina Abramović Archives / 2024, ProLitteris, Zurich