Albrecht Dürer, Rhinocerus (Das Rhinozeros), 1515, Kunsthaus Zürich
Johann Heinrich Füssli, Der Künstler verzweifelnd vor der Grösse der Antike, 1778/1780, Kunsthaus Zürich
Andro Wekua, Burning Palm Tree, 2004, Kunsthaus Zürich, © 2019 Andro Wekua
Dieter Roth, Gartenriesen, 1970/1971, Kunsthaus Zürich, © 2019 Estate of Dieter Roth
Paul Cézanne, Etude d’arbre, um 1890, donated by Vereinigung für Zeichnende Kunst in Zürich, 1935
Ferdinand Hodler, composition study for "Die Heilige Stunde I", c. 1907, Kunsthaus Zürich, Graphic Collection, bequest Bruno Giacometti, 2012
Robert Frank, New York City, Times Square, 1949, Kunsthaus Zürich, 1995
Jorinde Voigt, 3 Horizonte; 237 Melodien // 3 Horizonte; Mögliche Farben des Horizonts; 237 Melodien; 6 Zäsuren; Position; Interne Zentren; Externe Zentren; Rotationsrichtung; Rotationsgeschwindigkeit 1-21 Umdrehungen/Tag; N-S, 2011/12, Kunsthaus Zürich, © 2019 ProLitteris, Zurich
J. M. William Turner, A Fete Day in Zurich, Early Morning, 1845, Kunsthaus Zürich
Julian Charrière, Iroojrilik, 2016, Kunsthaus Zürich, 2019

The earlier prints include large groups of works by Albrecht Dürer, William Hogarth and Francisco de Goya, while there are an impressively large number of sketchbooks by artists such as Théodore Géricault, Oskar Kokoschka and Alberto Giacometti. There are also particularly extensive holdings of Swiss landscape drawings. In the 20th century, the main focus is on drawings, watercolours and collages by Lovis Corinth, Paul Klee, Ernst Ludwig Kirchner and Alberto Giacometti. American art post-1960 is also well represented, in the form of John Cage, Sol LeWitt, Claes Oldenburg and Bruce Nauman. Among modern art, the Collection holds almost the entire printed output of artists such as Marcel Broodthaers, Dieter Roth, André Thomkins and Markus Raetz.

« The Collection of Prints and Drawings offers everything from exquisite drawings to artistic high points in the media of printing and photography. Our department is home to an extraordinary wealth of artworks on paper. » — Jonas Beyer, Head of the Collection of Prints and Drawings

The holdings of the Collection of Prints and Drawings are presented to the public in regular temporary exhibitions. Ongoing research into the Collection is conducted via exhibition and collection catalogues. The Collection is also constantly expanding, thanks to generous gifts and new acquisitions each year.


Currently in the prints and drawings room

Treasure of the Town: Painter's book by Clubhaus

Until 1. September, we will be presenting the painter's book of last years pop-up 'Clubhaus'. Original works by selected local and international artists on the 1st floor of the Moser building.

Goliath, This song, 2019
Gabrielle Goliath, This song is for..., 2019, Kunsthaus Zürich, Vereinigung Zürcher Kunstfreunde, Gruppe Junge Kunst, 2021

Time-Based Media Collection

One feature that sets the Collection of Prints and Drawings apart from others of its kind is its Time-Based Media Collection. With some 700 works, it is one of the largest assemblies of media art in Switzerland and has been systematically built up since the late 1970s. Also of note is the Collection of Photography, which ranges from works by William Henry Fox Talbot, a pioneer in the medium, to those of Robert Frank, Andreas Gursky, Candida Höfer and the like.

Selected works in the study room

Collection of Prints and Drawings Kunsthaus Zürich, Photo Franca Candrian

Opening hours

Mon–Fri 9 a.m.–midday and 2 p.m.–5 p.m.

Address and contact

Rämistrasse 45, 8001 Zürich
Google Maps
+41 44 253 84 84

Because works on paper cannot be exposed to light for too long, individual objects are only exhibited publicly for a limited period. However, we offer our users the opportunity to view selected original works in our study room.

Visits by appointment only

Enquiries should be addressed to us at least 2 weeks in advance. Please note the study room opening hours when indicating your desired time and date.